Learning to be a Blessing

Ich bin...
[Tana]. Child of God. Teacher. Youth leader. Music-minded. Blessed.
Ich liebe...
[Jesus]. My Family. My Church. P & W. Mission Trips. Music. Prayer. Traveling. Writing. Drama. Sunshine. Languages. Photography. Badminton. Nature. Snail Mail. Fruit. Green. Simplicity. Listening.

06 November 2003
i never thought i would be saying this, but thank goodness for MISUNDERSTANDING...well, in one particular situation anyway. my professor just pushed our project deadline back exactly one week because seemingly much of the class was unclear about the exact due date (a.k.a. TOMORROW) - this coming on the trail of LC informing me she'll be out of town for the next few days and us not being able to touch base until now about the project details. ah, Dr. B., you are such a blessing! (most others would simply have left it as is, regardless.)

continuing to love snail mail - discounting the usual monthly bills, statements and junk, of course. received the HH promo CD today, on which is an abundance of material for use on missions and in everyday evangelism. as i watched a few of the videos, i felt a pull on my heart, reminding me that passion for the lost is something that should only grow stronger with time and should be ACTED ON IMMEDIATELY, anytime and anywhere.

i always feel so refreshed after laying it all out with AM. not only do i get perspective from you, but it's one with tremendous insight into both of our weaknesses and tendencies. it's amazing how much we've been through together in these five and a half years, making it seem like so much longer. you know, i really think my observation skills have become significantly more acute because you constantly remind me to use them :P ("anyone with a brain" - ahh, not that funny, but whatever cracks you up more...oh, and i promise not to commit any offenses that will find me "blacklisted", okay?!? ) seriously, though, where would i be without you? SALAMAT, KUYA!! *_*

CL's special day is another reason for celebration. (did you enjoy your morning surprise? hope KW remembered to scribble something on it for me! ^_^)

posted by simplejoys @ 15:51 |
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