Learning to be a Blessing

Ich bin...
[Tana]. Child of God. Teacher. Youth leader. Music-minded. Blessed.
Ich liebe...
[Jesus]. My Family. My Church. P & W. Mission Trips. Music. Prayer. Traveling. Writing. Drama. Sunshine. Languages. Photography. Badminton. Nature. Snail Mail. Fruit. Green. Simplicity. Listening.

14 January 2004
mom's home from her month-long trip. she didn't bring a camera with her, but managed to bring back some photos, anyway. most were of the new couple, but also my other cousins and grandparents. it makes me miss them lots and want to see them soon.

last week was a challenge in the office because so many of my colleagues were sick, but thankfully they've mostly recovered now and i didn't catch much of it. SARS, this is not! so strange to be without certain people, though. :(

had a funky dream last night, goh goh. i MUST tell you about this one when i see you! part of it is easily explainable, but the rest is probably through association <- and that word alone, from browsing my EDPY 200 notes last night with linda. seriously, you are going to split with laughter...

my parents recently told me about the possibility of us having two-month housemates. it would be exciting, but i wonder how that would work? i think having them room with each other for that long definitely would not be a good idea. hmm, still have a few months to mull this over, though.

Your love is all that I need, all that I need is You.

posted by simplejoys @ 09:40 |
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