Learning to be a Blessing

Ich bin...
[Tana]. Child of God. Teacher. Youth leader. Music-minded. Blessed.
Ich liebe...
[Jesus]. My Family. My Church. P & W. Mission Trips. Music. Prayer. Traveling. Writing. Drama. Sunshine. Languages. Photography. Badminton. Nature. Snail Mail. Fruit. Green. Simplicity. Listening.

02 February 2004

as expected, we're okay. i always knew we would be, it was just a matter of trying. and really, it seems in the time where we weren't as free, everyone has really grown up a lot.

thanks to thad and kinnson for jazzing up the site and to everyone who's signed up so far. :)

as for "that", who really knows. i don't think yesterday or saturday made it any better. just what is it that keeps me wondering?!?

posted by simplejoys @ 11:53 |
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