Learning to be a Blessing

Ich bin...
[Tana]. Child of God. Teacher. Youth leader. Music-minded. Blessed.
Ich liebe...
[Jesus]. My Family. My Church. P & W. Mission Trips. Music. Prayer. Traveling. Writing. Drama. Sunshine. Languages. Photography. Badminton. Nature. Snail Mail. Fruit. Green. Simplicity. Listening.

30 April 2004
friday again, and so much has gone on this week. didn't exactly wake up from a PLEASANT dream, but it just put into perspective how important health is.

some sporadic thoughts:
  • what's the difference between "fatal" and "lethal"?
  • why does language learning often end up being nothing but profanity?
  • is there a crash course in proper communication?

    "Jesus is not a religion, and God is not a book...you can't pray to a book and you can't draw strength from an idea or standard."
    (casting crowns excerpt)

    Christianity is often assumed to be an impersonal rule box intended to place unreasonable limitations and ruin the party for those who are seriously enjoying life...but if people's lives are transformed by knowing and walking with Jesus Christ and there is this ongoing peace/inner strength, how can it be merely just another idea against which people say, "well that's YOUR opinion"? basically, IT CAN'T! the rules God sets are there not to make people's lives miserable, but rather, establish an order so that people don't drive each other insane and in the process, miss out on the goodness that a relationship with Him gives. Christianity puts focus not on what the individual can do for himself, but what God can do within a person and how God can use him/her to impact the rest of the world which seems to be getting worse by the minute. thanks, Jesus, for not being an impossible standard, but truly man's Best Friend.

    to those who are wondering, i'm still waiting on it. it's only been a week, so hopefully i'll get word either today or early next week. if things don' work out, i suppose i have to stay where i am, which isn't *entirely* bad.

  • posted by simplejoys @ 09:14 |
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