Learning to be a Blessing

Ich bin...
[Tana]. Child of God. Teacher. Youth leader. Music-minded. Blessed.
Ich liebe...
[Jesus]. My Family. My Church. P & W. Mission Trips. Music. Prayer. Traveling. Writing. Drama. Sunshine. Languages. Photography. Badminton. Nature. Snail Mail. Fruit. Green. Simplicity. Listening.

16 November 2004
i spent all of saturday at south edmonton common with my jeh jehs, and we discovered just welcome the word "liquidation" is. ^_^ we also noticed that in the world of retail, there really is no reprieve - shelves constantly filled, be it with halloween treats or Christmas merchandise - making it really overwhelming to walk into stores sometimes.

i'll likely be teaching piano soon, so lately i've been attempting to brush up on my skills and pieces...it's a lot harder to play the easier pieces with the right techniques than the more difficult repetoires! and to memorize everything again will take who knows how long, but i welcome the challenges.

reading through oswald chambers' my utmost for his highest and benefiting immensely in doing so.

posted by simplejoys @ 17:47 |
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