Learning to be a Blessing

Ich bin...
[Tana]. Child of God. Teacher. Youth leader. Music-minded. Blessed.
Ich liebe...
[Jesus]. My Family. My Church. P & W. Mission Trips. Music. Prayer. Traveling. Writing. Drama. Sunshine. Languages. Photography. Badminton. Nature. Snail Mail. Fruit. Green. Simplicity. Listening.

24 October 2006
Reflections from an Aging Cake :p
Looking back, I'm convinced this past year has truly been the best year ever. God's taught me so much about selfless giving, serving with perseverance, having the right balance with not doing too much yet serving in the area of my S-H-A-P-E and cultivating and making significant the ties with all the different people in my life, as well as entirely trusting Him to provide. Since being in small group three years ago, I've learned a lot (most significantly about having a broader perspective, and looking ahead rather than just getting worked up about what doesn't go well in the moment), but I think especially this year, having found two wonderful-beyond-words sisters/mentors after endless prayer. And it's been so rewarding mentoring the senior children and junior high youth, and having them challenge me to grow and become equipped in Him with their questions and individual needs. Deciding to stay in Edmonton for the meantime was the right choice after all.

Work-wise, I'm no longer spending 80% of my day / voice / health on classroom management and being stressed and discontent with my own methods of discipline. The job at Health Canada isn't what I originally went to study in university by any means, yet I've learned so much working in such a huge, 'real world', professional environment, and it's an ongoing challenge to me how to maintain my Christian witness in this very secular workplace. And recently my supervisor was in a serious car accident, and now He's given me an open door to witness to and care for her.

This past weekend was one of multiple celebrations. My small group first surprised me by interrupting my song leading with a VERY LOUD rendition of "Happy Birthday". And I thought beets were red.... :D The second surprise was a dinner at The Creperie after our Bible study / sharing time. The "mysterious sisters" and "S&S" had plans and couldn't join us, but everyone else came. The restaurant, of course, was beautiful, the food incredible and the gifts amazing and thoughtful, but I will always remember and cherish the company most - angels galore!

Birthday photos viewable by clicking here.

Sunday we threw a surprise party for another sister in her home. Another set of lovely memories, including an overly sensitive smoke detector, unending hot pot, looking and laughing through wedding photos, and a cutie pie who would win any beautiful baby contest hands-down........Happy birthday again, SHuang! You are truly a blessing!

Thanks, God for Your angels, miracles, and eternal promises! Please teach me in the year ahead continually how to be Your child in everything and truly be a blessing to You.

posted by simplejoys @ 15:12 |
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