Learning to be a Blessing

Ich bin...
[Tana]. Child of God. Teacher. Youth leader. Music-minded. Blessed.
Ich liebe...
[Jesus]. My Family. My Church. P & W. Mission Trips. Music. Prayer. Traveling. Writing. Drama. Sunshine. Languages. Photography. Badminton. Nature. Snail Mail. Fruit. Green. Simplicity. Listening.

22 August 2007
so, goes another summer...

just returned from two and a half weeks in Hong Kong, mainly visiting my grandma and keeping her company as she walks this tough, solitary journey. the hospitals were eye-opening in their efficiency and simply the volume of people needing treatment on any given day. i'm thankful God has always provided my grandmother with wonderful attending physicians and nurses, and that there have not been more complications in her treatment. most of all, i'm inspired by my aunt, who has cast aside her own life to care for her mother around the clock, however draining and frustrating it often is. Lord, please bless her richly.

posted by simplejoys @ 00:02 |
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